Nomads by nature View in browser
Unique Homestays
The Journeyman

The Journeyman


Compelled to move, inspired to taste, and destined to travel; the human instinct to be in motion is so ingrained within us, that it's no wonder the journey so often exceeds the destination. It's in the pitstops and encounters, starlit suppers by the sea and train station samosas. For these journeys stay within us; they are our blueprint, our purpose. Our need to roam a part of our souls passed down through the generations, an inheritance of adventure, if you will.

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Unique Homestays

Large group travel

Bring everyone together


In step on the coast path, reunited around the dinner table; these large homes offer safe ports of fellowship after journeying across the land to embrace once again. Whether eight or 25, here be your winter gathering.


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Unique Homestays

Solo escapes

Go it alone


'Tis the season for hibernation. For folding in on oneself and following nature's lead to rest. There is something rather wonderful about taking time for one's self, to nap on the sofa, thumb paperbacks and drink wine in the rolltop.


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Unique Home Stays

Last minute breaks

Be spontaneous


Nothing on this weekend? Or next? It might just be time to shake it up a little bit. With eleventh hour availability, here is your chance to throw caution to the wind, bags in the boot, and head off for an adventure anew.


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Unique Home Stays

With dogs in tow

The whole family is welcome


With fair weather walkers firmly wrapped up inside, these cooler months see beaches open and paths much-less trodden for those with four-legged pals in the backseat. Clock up the miles before retreating fireside.


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