Five years ago the owners of our home Zamani had their lives changed forever; when their daughter Emily, whilst away at university, tragically suffered sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). This was the first the family had heard about the syndrome, who have since partnered with the charity SUDEP Action to raise awareness in other families.

Rachel and Bharat, Emily’s parents, along with their daughter Amy and partner James have taken on the task of driving from the UK to Turkey in a little Indian TukTuk. This six week journey of 3700 miles takes them through 21 countries to represent the 21 people a week who die from epilepsy.

To support the TukTuk tour and help raise funds for a very worthwhile cause, we (the Unique Homestays team) will be walking the entirety of the Cornish coast path - a hilly journey of nearly 275 miles.

We think this cause is one worth sweating over, so please follow our progress and share the TukTuk team’s journey with your family and friends, knowing any donation you are able to make will be put towards a cause close to many of our hearts.

TukTuk to Turkey

Fundraising page